
Next time, when a colleague questions a decision you have made, instead of trying to simply defend your position and think I’m right, consider whether you could be wrong and where you may have erred. We all have blind spots. Take the interaction as an opportunity to learn. Moreover, see it as a chance to…

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Accountability. Yeuch! That dirty word. This feeling about accountability is shared by many. I myself once thought this way for many reasons which I won’t explain here for the sake of succinctness. As an introvert, I often shied away from holding people accountable. This attitude was further reinforced by my largely agreeable nature, which is…

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How leaders communicate is vital. Do you tear down, or do you build up? Are you hyper-critical, or able to straddle the line of constructive feedback which pushes people to reach for more and encouraging affirmation? There’s an art to communication. It takes effort, thought, practise. Use it wisely.

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