Classroom Routines

The simpler the better Routines are essential because they provide expectations. This year we introduced some basic classroom entrance and exit routines. Although behavior is typically good at our school, we wanted all students to receive a consistent and predictable experience for the starting and ending of lessons. It was particularly important for new year…

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Child Centred Approaches

Being child centred rarely means giving the child what they want or desire. This can be the polar opposite of child-centredness. Sometimes it may mean saying no. It may mean not taking what they say at face value, but questioning their motives. Do we need to listen to young people? Yes. Do we need to…

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Doing More than Expected

This week saw the resumption of full online learning for my children. At the end of the weekend, the usual drill of the evening is to prepare for school: make the lunches, prepare books and ensure there’s a clean uniform to be worn. But over the last year and some odd months, the ritual of…

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