I have been running on sheer adrenaline for the past 3-4 weeks. A combination of late work nights, Christmas celebrations which went on into the late evening, and the the dash to get gifts for family and colleagues has left me spent. On Friday when I sent that last email of the term I realised just how exhausted I had been. The comedown from an adrenaline driven last spurt of effort was not pretty!

As we approach the Christmas break, I ask you to consider pressing the reset button. Resetting, for whatever period of time you wish, indicates that you are off limits; you are not taking any requests; you are powering down. You could reset in the following ways:

  • Switching off your phone
  • Taking a nap
  • Practising mindful breathing
  • Turning off email notifications 
  • Sitting still

The choice is yours. 

How will you reset during this holiday season?