“A teacher who has reflective thinking skills is able to identify problems that may occur in the teaching/learning process and to produce solutions for overcoming such problems.” (Shoffner, 2006).
During my PGCE year, I can recall having to maintain what seemed like endless sheets of reflection pages. After each lesson I would routinely jot down my thoughts on my teaching, resurrecting the experience, some of which I would have consigned to perpetual amnesia if possible! However, this discipline proved very fruitful. It was empowering as it allowed me to identify patterns and anomalies. These patterns and anomalies allow us to forge a road map we can use to better navigate our experiences and manage the day to day goings on.
This led me to consider the question: what if entire teaching teams in our schools reflected more deeply and habitually? Would this improve the quality of instruction? Would we create a better educational experience for our students?
So, how do you reflect on your own practice as an educator?
-dialogue with others?
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